Beacon Hill Area Neighborhood Association

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SAFFE Officer



Officer Felipe Santos - SAFFE Officer 210-207-4164
The SAFFE (San Antonio Fear Free Environment) Unit consists of officers who work with community residents to identify and resolve crime problems.  They’re assigned to specific areas or neighborhoods and work with residents and the district patrol officers assigned to those areas. They’re goal is to prevent crimes before they happen.   You can have a SAFFE Officer come to your neighborhood association, meeting, restaurant or attraction and give burglary prevention tips and assess business safety.
Recently the San Antonio Police Department did a presentation at a BHANA meeting on the issue of Gangs and their tagging. We learned about active gangs in San Antonio as well as gangs active in Beacon Hill. We learned about their tagging and its meaning. We were asked to assist the Police Department by providing information. If you see several persons wearing gang colors or gang tattoos “hanging out” in our neighborhood, call the Police. If you are able to take pictures of illegal activity, email those pictures to the SAPD officers.

    Officer Bart Vasquez      210-279-5682

    Officer Crystal Ferguson              210-669-2381

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This site was last updated 05/24/13